Central banks and
climate change
climate change
My PhD dissertation focused on green central banking, exploring its political economy drivers as well as its consequences from both a climate and an institutional perspective.
In that context, I have written on the diversity of green central banking practices and its institutional roots (Baer et al., 2021), on how a climate consensus was forged at the European Central Bank (Deyris, 2023), on climate-related communication, its drivers and consequences (Campiglio et al., 2025) and how the climate crisis challenges central bank independence (Deyris et al., 2024).
Text mining and natural language processing
A significant portion of my research involves analyzing text data. I gather and organize extensive datasets from online sources and archives, meticulously clean and complete their content, and employ various natural language processing techniques, ranging from topic modeling to large language models.
This aspect of my research has led me to explore a wide range of sources, such as central banker speeches, parliamentary hearings, public diaries, meeting transcripts, and letters from NGOs and politicians.
My co-authors and I have compiled and now maintain the largest available collection of central banker speeches, for which I have designed a companion ShinyApp to facilitate easy user exploration.
Delegated agencies, politics and accountability
I entered in this topic through green central banking, but grew increasingly interested in the politics of delegation and the evolution of transparency and accountability practices.
This has led me to work on how central bankers preferences influence their communication (Deyris et al., submitted), on how public diaries can give insights on such policy preferences (work in progress) and on the accountability encounters of Banque de France since the 1990s (work in progress).
As part of the KnowLegPo project, I also have several projects with Benjamin Braun, Monica DiLeo and Matthias Thiemann on those issues